Congregation Survey From the Pastor Search Committee Church member/attendeeNameAgeHow long have you been at the Church at TubacPersonal preference in a pastorHow old should our new pastor be?25-3031-4041-50Over 50Doesn’t matterOn the following scale, how important to you is it that our new pastor be married? 1 - Absolutely should be married2345 - Doesn’t matterOn the following scale, how important to you is it that our new pastor has children? 1 - Absolutely should have children2345 - Doesn’t matterHow much experience should our new pastor have in pastoral ministry?First experience in pastoral ministriesFirst experience as lead pastorExperienced as a lead pastorDoesn’t matterHow much education should our new pastor have?High SchoolSeminaryCollegeOther graduate workDoesn’t matterRate the following responsibilities that may fill most of the pastor’s time in order of their importance to you. (With 1 being the most important)Sermon preparationEvangelismCounselingVisiting prospective membersChurch growthAdministration and office workPersonal Bible study and prayerVisiting the sick and shut-insPersonal developmentMeeting with committees Leading the staffPlanning for the cultureOther Which of the following elements of preaching style effectively communicate God’s Word to you? (Please check all that apply.)Logical, detailed, point by pointPersonal, relational, engagingTextual (the Scripture text provides the meaning)Narrative (use of stories to illustrate points)Sermon series (spending multiple weeks on a topic)Bible book (spending multiple weeks on a Bible book)Challenging, appealing for action or changeRate the following strengths/characteristics desired in a pastor in order of their importance: (Please rate with 1 being most important.)Biblical knowledgePreaching abilityTeaching abilityClear and understandable teachingFaithfulness to ScriptureCongeniality with congregationAdministrationCounselorLeadership skillsSoul-winnerVisitor/outreachDenominational LeaderChurch family ministerCommunity SupporterOtherWhen considering a new pastor, rate the following in order of importance to you: (Please rate with 1 being most important.)CharacterDoctrineSkillStyleDedicationEducationConsistency (in all areas)OtherWhat, if anything, would you like to see changed or implemented by the new pastor? (Please check all that apply)Times of servicesLength of servicesFrequency of communionCommunity OutreachChildren’s programsMethod of taking up offeringOther (enter in field below)OtherIf you were interviewing a candidate for new pastor what is the one question you would ask him?Please tell us any other information about the search for our new pastor that you think we should know about or consider.What are the congregation’s responsibilities/duties to their pastor?Who should a pastor be accountable to?The Church at TubacWhat would you say are strengths of the Church at Tubac?What strength of the Church at Tubac do you feel would be attractive to a new pastor?In what areas could the Church at Tubac improve?Does the Church at Tubac have a welcoming atmosphere?YesNoIf no, explain whyWhat ministries at the church are most important to you?Children’s MinistryYouth MinistryDiscipleship GroupsWorship MinistryMissions/OutreachBereavementFood distributionMen’s MinistryWomen’s MinistryPrayer MinistryOther (list below)Other ministries How familiar are you with the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) and its ministries like the International Mission Board (IMB), the North American Mission Board (NAMB), and Lifeway?Very FamiliarFamiliarNot FamiliarOther comments regarding the above questionDo you have an understanding of the common theology that Southern Baptist churches are unified around?YesNoPartial understandingOther comments regarding the above questionSouthern BaptistCheck if you would like to know more about Southern Baptist Theology and/or the Convention How important to you is Southern Baptist theology (as presented in the Baptist Faith & Message 2000)? (Please rate on a scale of 1 through 5, with 1 being most important)1 (Very Important)2345 (Not Important)What are your spiritual gifts as found in Roman 12 and Ephesians 4?TeachingGenerosityServiceEncouragementLeadershipMercyCheerfulnessProphesy (accurately & faithfully interpreting of God’s Word)EvangelismShepherding I am not sure what my gifting isOther giftsDo you feel encouraged to use your spiritual gifting in the Church at Tubac?YesNoIf No, Please Explain WhyOther Comments regarding question aboveWould you recommend this church to a friend, why or why not?Do you feel you have a clear understating of the gospel?YesNoDo you feel you have had growth in your spiritual walk while attending the Church at Tubac?YesNoPlease Explain Why:Do you feel comfortable sharing the gospel with others? If not, how do you feel the church can help prepare you?What topics in Scripture interests you, or what topics would you be most excited to learn about?Do you have people within the church you know you can reach out to when you are having difficulties spiritually?YesNoPlease list below any other input that you would like the Pastor Search Committee to consider, or any other comments you would like to make.Thank you for your time and effort in completing this survey. It will be helpful in the completion of our task to find the right pastor for The Church at Tubac. Please pray for the committee, the process, and that God clearly shows us the right candidate for the positionSubmit Survey